24-Hour Emergency Assist
Help, I’ve just crashed my car!
Stay calm and make the accident scene as safe as possible. Notify police if there are injuries or property damage if the owner is not present.
Make sure YOU DO NOT ADMIT LIABILITY, no matter what the circumstances.
Third Party Information to Exchange
Drivers Licence Number (Mandatory):

Registration Number

Make and Model of the vehicle





Accident location address
If your car is driveable
Call us on 9429 3966, and we can assist you with lodging an insurance claim with either your insurer or the other parties insurance company depending on the circumstances.
If your car is NOT driveable
Do not drive an un-roadworthy vehicle, to obtain a tow truck, call 9429 3966
It is your right to determine where the vehicle is to be towed, not the tow truck driver.
It is imperative that your clearly stipulate your preferred repairer to ensure this is where your car will be towed to:
Automotive Panel Service, 118 Murphy Street Richmond
Ensure Automotive Panel Service is recorded on the “Authority to tow” form BEFORE SIGNING IT. Make sure you keep the customer copy.
Seek assistance and further advice from Automotive Panel Service; we will even be able to process your insurance claim for you.
If you have any questions feel free to call us on 9429 3966